Usernames and sharable links allow chats to be conducted without the need for exchanging numbers, while the setup of groups, supergroups and channels facilitate mass private / public community communications. Telegram contacts are able to invite and connect traditionally via stored, known contacts already stored in the device or by the creation and search of public usernames. Designed for universal use, the service is particularly suited to business users and small teams due to the flexible install, file sharing and contact group options. Available within the browser and free to install on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android and Windows Phone, Telegram can be deployed on all devices simultaneously with messages synced automatically across any number of phones, tablets and PCs. Users can place voice calls and send instant messages with emoji's and custom sticker designs, share images, video and file attachments of any format. With an emphasis on performance speed and simplicity of use, Telegram also boasts a secure approach with two layers of end-to-end encryption for all data. Telegram and Telegram Messenger is a cloud-based voice chat and messaging service that is supported by free apps compatible with all leading devices.